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For Teachers

Smiling teachers learning how to use Looma Box

Teachers, Looma Education products are designed with your needs in mind! 


Looma, in all 3 forms, Looma Box, Looma Server and Looma Online, contains all the national government textbooks as well as a large collection of engaging digital resources, including instructional videos, simulations, Wikipedia articles, and learning games related to each subject.  In addition, Looma comes with software that makes it easy for you to find the relevant resources to augment your lesson plan.  Many textbook chapters already have augmented lessons stored on Looma ready for you to use.  Our goal is to have augmented lessons available for every chapter of every textbook.  


We offer ongoing teacher training and will soon have a traveling "Teacher Corps" which will regularly visit your school to answer your questions and get your suggestions for Looma Box features and improvements.  We value your feedback!​


Find Looma schools near you:  School Map​​​

For the latest news on teacher training:  Follow Looma Nepal

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Looma Box Effectiveness in Rural Schools

Young Nepali girl excited about learning

In consultation with Nepali educators, Looma Education has developed proficiency tests which are given to students in 5th and 9th grade before and after a school year.  These tests are taken by students with a Looma Box at their village schools, and also by similar students in similar village schools that have not yet received a Looma Box.


Early data collection, as well as students' and teachers' eager reception of Looma, predicts that Looma will be highly effective in increasing student learning, engagement, and performance.

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